Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Revision of Half-Way Learning Blog

When I chose the class English 101 I thought that this would be a writing heavy class. Also I thought that we would have several papers to write. Ironically, this class is very different than what I expected. This is somewhat of a paperless class because at the beginning of class everyone had to create a learning blog. Within this learning blog is where we post all of our assignments and can easily communicate with our instructor. So far I think that I am doing alright in this class. I am still not really confident about posting everything through the blog because this is something I haven’t done before. It is taking me some time to get use to but I’m pretty sure that I will adapt and become more skilled at this. I have learned quite a bit about genre from my instructors PowerPoint as well as in class discussions, such as that it is in everything we read even though we might not realize it. Some of these things include Facebook statuses and text messages. I have also learned that different genres have their own jargon, after reading a comment y instructor posted on one of my blogs. For clarification purposes I also tool the initiative to look the word up. When it comes down to working with your peers and revising each other’s work I was not a fan of this. At first I disagreed with this because I would rather the person grading my work revise it, but after last week I have saw how peer work can be very helpful. I felt good interacting with my peers and knowing that their advice to me is just as important as my advice to them. Also this gives you a chance to revise your work multiple times before it is turned in for a grade. The only question that I have is, how are we supposed to track our progress if this class is not posted on Blackboard? In conclusion I believe that I am doing fairly well in this class because the comments I have received on my post are both positive and encouraging me to keep up the good work. I enhanced on my listening skills by being attentive in class when my instructor or peers are speaking, communication skills by asking the necessary questions I have to help me progress and group skills by learning how to take in constructive criticism as well as give it. I have also learned how to successfully analyze articles and make up rubrics/criteria for them. I learned how to do this by practicing on a business memo provided my instructor. After receiving her feedback I knew exactly what to do for the next one. After analyzing three articles for the article I will be writing also gave me more practice.  Last but not least, as the semester goes on I have positive thoughts for my future in this class. I am certain that I will take away some of the information I learned and apply it to some of my other classes.

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