Thursday, February 16, 2012

Final Blog

As Unit 1 is coming to an end I can honestly say that it was not as hard as I thought it would be. I thought that it was going to be a little challenging because I am a structured person and was in fact scared to change something that I’ve been doing for so long. During the first unit of this course I have become more comfortable with working with others and trusting in myself.  All through high school all of my English classes required me to write my papers with little or no error at all. When I first started writing my article I found myself going back to that high school way of writing and I actually disposed of that draft and started over with a fresh look. We made our own rubrics to follow in the article project that we are doing in class. This was a helpful tool that showed me that rules change as the genre changes. Recently, we just finished our second peer review session and it was better than the first. During the first peer review session we had, I did my part in giving feedback, however, I did not go in much detail and was a little reluctant to give my opinion on someone else’s work. Also I did exactly what we discussed in class not to do, which was give one word responses and say that I did not see anything wrong. After noticing this I realized that I had to try and improve this so I can get the concept of what this activity is teaching us. During the second peer review session I made a lot of comments on the papers’ of my peers and I also elaborated more when giving the oral feedback. I learned how to give my opinion in a nice way without trying to change my peer’s paper into what I think would make it a good paper. As a part of this unit I had to interview an “expert” for my newspaper, I was not thrilled about this. In my past when I had to interview people for my papers I always chose a friend. For this article I was completely out of my element because I had to research and find someone who would be able to give me detailed and factual information on my topic. In order for me to effectively complete this task I looked at a post my instructor posted on her blog about good interview tips. After reading the tips I came up with a few questions and I read them aloud to my roommate and got her feedback. Overall this class had taught me that feedback is important because you might not see anything wrong with your work simply because you yourself wrote it. Blogging what I learned in class actually helps me retain the information I learned. In conclusion, when I wrote my half-way blog I talked more about the class than myself. My instructor explained that the purpose of the learning blog is to reflect on yourself and see how far you have come. Being able to reflect on myself helps me to look at what I have learned and what I still might have problems with. The first unit was a success and I expect to only improve as the semester goes on.         


  1. I like your "final blog!" It made me think about different things that I have learned from this unit that I hadn't realized. I really enjoyed that we had to make our own rubrics for the article as well. High school english was very structured, and often I had to follow some strict rubric that the teacher had made. Having to make my own rubric, required me to really get to know the genre instead of just trying to follow someone else's guidlines. I also enjoyed this project, because we got to choose our topics. Along with choosing our own topics, we were in fact able to choose our intended audience as well. I really enjoyed this b/c I wrote about an issue that is near to my heart. I also have already been able to share it w/ several of my peers (who are my intended audience). They have already been albe to use the information in my article to apply to their every day lives.

  2. It is also extremely hard for me to change something that I have already written. In high school, I had difficulty with taking peer review and using it in my writing. I appreciate your final blog because it relates to a lot of what I have problems with in my writing. It also made me realize how I can improve my writing to fix these problems.

  3. I know what you mean about being a structured person when it comes to papers and English because my English teachers were just the same by not wanting little to no errors. I liked how you wanted to change the way you write for the different genres. I never really realized that in the beginning of this unit.

    1. Taylor, I like that you've seen in this first unit how we change how we write in various genres. This point will only help you in upcoming units!

  4. I thought you did a great job saying how the learning blogs help you reflect on yourself and see how far you've come. I concur with this and find the blogs to be a good way of analyzing and recapping our progress.

  5. I loved that you said that you were nervous of not having structure because you are a person how is structured. I am also and I like having rules to follow so I know the outcome to expect! And like you I had one draft that was just okay and I threw it out because if I am making the rules (the rubric) I better hit each point and get a good grade.

    1. Good point, Sam--You are essentially creating the rubric from which to help me "grade" your article by. So, truly considering what you'll put on there and how it will fit into your article is a pretty big point.

  6. I can definitely relate to your blog a lot! I am also a very structured person so this class kind of threw me in a different direction. In my high school class I was always a very structure person, so all of this freedom has been a challenge. I can also relate to your peer review. I used to always get comments like "great job" so I'm happy that you realized that you can give contructive criticism through peer review. At first, I really didnt understand the blogs, but now I started to realize that it is good to reflect on our learning experiences. I have definitely learned a lot like you have and I think we will definitely continue to learn more and more throughout the semester.

  7. Wow! You have a popular blog! I have to say that, although I am the instructor in this class, going into something new and having very little guidelines on how to do it is always scary. I think it's important to note here that learning by critical thinking and by figuring things out yourself is a great skill that will transfer over into all aspects of academics and career. Most of the time in "real life," someone is not going to hand you a rubric for a given situation, so attempting to begin to figure out how things work now is greatly important. I'm glad that you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone to interview the expert. I know that it can be scare to interview someone whom you don't know, but it only makes the article better!
