Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Unit 2 Final Learning Blog

As Unit 2 has come to an end I am proud to say that I learned a lot and got a chance to do things that I haven’t did before. Coming into unit 2 I was skeptical about working in a group but once I was comfortable it wasn’t so bad and I actually enjoyed the experience. I enjoyed being able to bounce my ideas off my group members and getting their opinion. I also enjoyed not having to do everything on my own. Communication was a vital role in this unit. During the beginning of this unit there was little or no communication in our group so no one member knew what the other members were doing. This was a huge problem because when the first part of our assignment was due no one had done it and we had to put something together so that we can get credit. After this incident I worked on being more open and outgoing. My instructor played a key role in this transformation as well. The more questions the group had for her the more she made us talk amongst each other and come to an agreement. Once all of our kinks were out we then openly communicated with each other and stated which parts of the project we will feel comfortable doing. One of my major accomplishments of this unit would be writing a research proposal and research design. I had never done this before not even in my prior science courses. It was a bit of a challenge because I didn’t clearly know what was asked of me and after I completed it I still wasn’t sure that it was right. When we reached the research design portion I had to do research on my own of what a research design was because I had no idea where to begin. After going thru many different research designs I came up with my own. After a few revisions I finally grasped the concept of what exactly my instructor wanted. Things that I have never done before until unit 2 is actually conduct research in a form that was not your usual academic research paper. After conducting the research I learned how to track my results in something called the research findings. Overall the point of unit 2 was to see how society puts certain rules on genres and how they would react when you change those rules. I think it was very effective for us to see this by actually doing our own research on the genre of our choice. I chose to change the content of a children’s book to that of a news article. From my research I now know that if you change a genre to something out of the norm people will automatically think it is wrong. Just by changing the content in the book to long sentences with big words people thought that the book shouldn’t be given to children. Immediately after reading the book people was able to point out what was “wrong” with it. Although they could say what was wrong about it they could not necessarily tell me why those things were wrong. One individual actually said it’s wrong because no other children’s books are made like that. What I got from my results is that people are afraid to put society’s constraints aside because they feel like its only one right way to do certain things.


  1. I felt the same way at the beginning of this unit! My group proved to be very helpful and all of our input made for an interesting research experience. I also agree with your conclusion about society and normal constraints. Our traditional ways of doing things make people fearful of change, which is a shame.

  2. I agree that this unit has made us step outside of our comfort zone and do things that we haven't done before. This was important because we cannot learn unless we take risks. The only way that we could have grown as writers in this unit is by learning from our mistakes. This could happen because we did not entirely know what to expect, so we were more able to be innovative and thoughtful during this unit.

  3. I felt the same way! Im always very skeptical about group projects...espically in gen ed classes. It is always the worry of if you are going to get a group that actually all pitches in. However, I had a fairly good experience with my group! I also agree that more people need to step out of their comfort zone and take risks in order to accomplish great things!

  4. In regards to your final post I felt the same way with working with groups. I am the type of person who likes to do my own work and not be held responsible for other people. With Unit 2 I learned that groups give you the chance to have better ideas and bounce those ideas off of one another to make the project that much better. Unit 2 seemed to surprise you just as much as it surprised me and am looking forward to what Unit 3 has to offer.

  5. Your post is popular! I think that your initial reaction seems pretty typical to most people in regards to this unit (and honestly, I probably would have had the same reaction myself at some point). I agree with Sarah that working with groups and doing something you're not accustomed to doing does make you step out of your comfort zone--but that's okay at times. We all need to push ourselves to do things we may not always want to do. So, there's another takeway from this project. I like your thoroughness here. Keep up the good work!
