Thursday, April 5, 2012

Proposal for GWRJ Article

. A general topic description

·         I am interested in writing on the genre of memos. From my understanding different memos can be written in different ways depending on the content being delivered. I have experienced writing a memo in my Accounting class senior year.

2. Describe the specific genre(s) that your article will explore (if any)

·         My article will explore business memos; talking about the jargon and the form of how the memo is to be written.

3. An explanation of the author's perspective (i.e. are you planning to create a personal narrative of your own experience, or to research how other people writer, or what?)

·         I am planning on writing about my personal experience of writing a business memo and also research how others say a business memo should be written.

4. Potential use of visual elements

·         Potential visual elements would be an actual business memo and also maybe another type of memo to compare and contrast the two.

5. Discuss your plans for citing research in your articles

·         I will probably cite my research by putting the actual URL and title of where my information is from.

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